Ashra kwesi biography definition
To have Ashra and Merira Kwesi to speak for your event, call: 214-371-0206.
AshraKwesiisahistorian(griot)andlectureron ancientAfricanhistoryandreligion.Hereveals firsthandinformationfromtheancienttemples, tombs,andpapyruspapersrecordedwhen Africanpeoplewereteachersoftheworld. BrotherKwesibringsawealthofinformationand apowerfuldeliverybasedonfourdecadesof studyandtourexperienceintheAfricanNile Valley.Hespent14ofthoseyearsasanassistant tothenotedKemetologist,Dr.YosefBen Jochannan.BrotherKwesihasperformedextensivehistorical researchonlocationatthetemplesandtombsofKemet(Egypt).His wide-rangingstudyhasalsotakenhimtoEthiopia,Uganda,Sudan, Kenya,andGhana.Additionally,hehasdocumentedinformationon the AfricanNileValleyhistoryattheLouvreMuseuminParis,France, theBritishMuseuminLondon,England,andtheMetropolitan MuseuminNewYork.Mostrecently,hepresentedhisfindingson ancientKushat Addis AbabaUniversityinEthiopia,theformerpalace of Emperor Haile Selassie.Thisdynamicspeakerhaslecturedatuniversitiesandfor organizationsinAfrica,GreatBritain,Japan,theCaribbean,andin theUnitedStates.Hehasalsoappearedonnumeroustelevisionand radio programs. AshraKwesiisPresidentofKemetNuProductionsandtourleaderfor theKemetNu“KnowThyself”EducationalToursinEgyptand Ethiopia.BrotherKwesi’svisuallydocumented,multimedia
- Across New Jersey
- South Orange, NJ
- Maplewood, NJ
- West Orange, NJ
- Bloomfield, NJ
- Belleville-Nutley, NJ
- Jersey City, NJ
- Millburn-Short Hills, NJ
- Springfield, NJ
- Cranford, NJ
This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.
My education tour in Afrika’s Nile Valley is Sunday on July 11, 2021. By the time this commentary is published, I will be in Kemet (Egypt). However, my trip to Afrika marks the beginning of my two-week journey to study Kemet (Egypt). I will finally get the opportunity to physically see Black people's contributions to the world’s civilization and religions through the eyes of Kemet. Evidence suggest that Afrika is the birthplace of humanity, the progenitor of civilization, and the root of the world's major religions (i.e., Judaism, Christianity, and Al-Islam). Many historians and scientists argue that on the world stage of human progress, civilizations began in the Nile Valley, and there were many major civilizations in that area of Afrika. However, ancient Kemet reflected humanity's march toward creating the world's first highly advanced civilization in times of antiquity. It played a central role in the development of mathematics, philosophy, medicine, science, governmen
African-Centered Lectures, Tours to Empire, and Videos By Ashra & Merira Kwesi
AshraandMeriraKwesiarelecturerson Africanhistory,civilization,religion,andculture.They presentlivelyanddynamicmultimediaproductionsandvideosandconductAfricancentered tourstoEgypt.Basedontheirstudyandtravel,theyrevealstartlingandprofoundinformation on say publicly African instigate of visit of interpretation concepts contemporary symbols enlighten utilized alongside the hesperian world.
Multimedia Presentations
Egypt Tours
DVDs, Digital Videos and Audios
Due to unbearable response, phenomenon will deportment 2 summertime tours run into Egypt on line for 2025. Add together us be thinking of another “Trip of a Lifetime” turn of phrase July 12 - 26, 2025 provision July 28 - Lordly 11, 2025.ThereareseparatearrangementsforthosetravelingfromoutsideoftheU.S.orwhodonot need universal airfare.
Studio-produced,visual,historically documentedvideosofslidepresen-ations.Livelecturesfilmedonlocation inEgypttobring“ourstory”tolife. Read more…
Visuallydocumentedpresentations basedon4decadesoffieldresearchin theAfricanNileValley.Call214-371-0206 tobookaprograminyourarea.Read more…
The excursion is family unit on live in 4 decades of enquiry travel mushroom tour fail to remember in depiction African River Valley.ASHRA KWESI’S 30 Yr CELEBRATION Amount EGYPT
BY BASUI AMENEMHET 6250 (2010)Kemet Nu Productions | P