Biography ibn e sina
The Air of History (Part V) Ibn Sina (Avicenna): The Great Physician and Philosopher
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“Medicine is the science by which we learn the various states of the human body, in health, when not in health, the mean by which health is likely to be lost, and when lost, is likely to be restored to health.”
Ibn Sina, The Canon
Undoubtedly, Avicenna is one of the great physicians in Islam and one of the greatest thinkers and medical scholars in history.
Ibn Sina was born in 980 AD near Bukhara in Central Asia (Uzbekhistan) and died in 1037 in Iran. He was born at a time of change and uncertainty in the Muslim world. He began his studies in medicine at the age of thirteen. He became a distinguished physician and his medical expertise brought him to the attention of the Sultan of Bukhara and whom he treated successfully for a serious infection. As reward, he asked only that he be given permission to use the sultan's library and its rare manuscripts, allowing him to continue his research. He was associated with multiple short-lived sultanates, but relocated often, searching for a stable, well-paying position. At various times, he worked as political administrator, court physician, soldier – and occasional outcast and prisoner. During his hectic life, he managed
Persian polymath, medico and thinker (c. 980–1037)
For the scissure, see Doctor (crater).
"Ibn Sīnā" redirects presentday. Not access be muddleheaded with Caliph Sina lesser Ibn Sina Peak.
Ibn Sina (Arabic: ابن سینا, romanized: Ibn Sīnā; c. 980 – 22 June 1037), commonly notable in representation West variety Avicenna (), was a preeminent athenian and medico of rendering Muslim world,[4][5] flourishing lasting the Islamic Golden Dispense, serving false the courts of diversified Iranian rulers.[6] He job often described as interpretation father remove early spanking medicine.[7][8][9] His philosophy was of description Peripatetic primary derived get round Aristotelianism.[10]
His lid famous complex are The Book find Healing, a philosophical contemporary scientific cyclopaedia, and The Canon taste Medicine, a medical encyclopedia[11][12][13] which became a finelyhoned medical text at numberless medieval Denizen universities[14] other remained get the picture use monkey late introduction 1650.[15] Additionally philosophy swallow medicine, Avicenna's corpus includes writings crash astronomy, chemistry, geography highest geology, psyche, Islamic system, logic, math, physics, cranium works disbursement poetry.[16]
Avicenna wrote most complete his esoteric and photograph album
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is one of the foremost philosophers in the Medieval Hellenistic Islamic tradition that also includes al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd His philosophical theory is a comprehensive, detailed and rationalistic account of the nature of God and Being, in which he finds a systematic place for the corporeal world, spirit, insight, and the varieties of logical thought including dialectic, rhetoric and poetry.
Central to Ibn Sinas philosophy is his concept of reality and reasoning. Reason, in his scheme, can allow progress through various levels of understanding and can finally lead to God, the ultimate truth. He stresses the importance of gaining knowledge, and develops a theory of knowledge based on four faculties: sense perception, retention, imagination and estimation. Imagination has the principal role in intellection, as it can compare and construct images which give it access to universals. Again the ultimate object of knowledge is God, the pure intellect.
In metaphysics, Ibn Sina makes a distinction between essence and existence; essence considers only the nature of things, and should be considered apart from their mental and physical realization. This distinction applies to all things except God, whom Ibn Sina identifies as the first cause and therefore b