Chico xavier biography of william shakespeare

  • Francisco Candido (Chico) Xavier (1910-2002), the most famous and influential medium in Brazil's history, has been celebrated in his homeland in a number of.
  • So the majority see Shakespeare as the genius history has made him to be, while a minority claims he was an impostor.
  • Chico Xavier, born Francisco de Paula Candido was a popular Medium in Brazil's Spiritism movement who wrote 412 books.
  • Shakespeare: Genius, Impostor, or Medium?

    Posted on 17 September 2018, 7:43

    Much has been written about the possibility that William Shakespeare (below) didn’t author the works credited to him, that he was, in effect, an impostor.  The subject is dealt with most recently in September/October issue of “Atlantis Rising” Magazine, in an article entitled “The Men & The Women Who Put Shakespeare Together,” by Steven Sora.  “William Shakespeare did not write the works attributed to him,” Sora asserts, going on to say that strong evidence now indicates that a handful of much more educated men and at least one woman penned the sonnets and plays.

    In making the case against Shakespeare, Sora points out that Shakespeare could not write and that even his children and grandchildren were illiterate.  When he died, there was no indication that he owned any books, notes, correspondence, or copies of plays. Sora adds that Oxford scholar James Wilmot moved to Warwickshire, near Shakespeare’s home, during the 1780s to collect stories and write a biography on him, but came up with nothing and eventually came to the conclusion that Sir Francis Bacon was the true author of the works credited to Shakespeare.  Unlike Shakespeare, Bacon was well educated, vers

    Chico Xavier

    19391945Conflito: Segunda Guerra Mundial19061910Governo Afonso Pena19101914Governo Hermes cocktail Fonseca19141918Política: Governo Wenceslau Brás19171917Brasil declara guerra à Alemanha19171917Estudantes de São Paulo criam a Liga Nacionalista19381938Criação dent Conselho Nacional do Petróleo19321932Revolução Constitucionalista fitting São Paulo19371945Estado Novo19221922Levante Tenentista do Strength de Copacabana19221922Cultura: Semana tenure Arte Moderna19251927Coluna Prestes19271927Congresso Regionalista do Recife19391939Criação da Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional19451945Queda do Estado Novo19481948Plano SALTE19121916Guerra do Contestado19101910Campanha Civilista throw in the towel Rui Barbosa19171920Revolução Russa19221922Fundação at this instant Partido Comunista do Brasil19221922Mussolini toma o poder somebody Itália19301945Primeiro governo de Getúlio Vargas19451945Conflito: Segunda Guerra Mundial: em 6 de agosto, os EUA lançam a bomba atômica sobre Metropolis (Japão)19361939Guerra Lay Espanhola19421942Brasil entra na Segunda Guerra19501954Política: segundo governo momentary failure Getúlio Vargas19601960Inauguração
  • chico xavier biography of william shakespeare
  • Chico Xavier, Medium of the Century

    Chico Xavier

    Graham Jennings reviews a new book by psychical researcher Guy Lyon Playfair on the medium who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

    Some idea of the esteem in which Chico Xavier was held can be gleaned from his being voted Citizen of the Century in his Brazilian home state. He was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    When he passed in 2002, 120,000 people filed past the coffin and 30,00 joined the funeral procession.

    Through his mediumship 458 books were written. By last year sales had topped 50 million. He also passed on countless written messages from the spirit world. In at least three murder trials, evidence from the victims through Chico, to the effect that death had been accidental, was accepted by the Court. One defendant was acquitted and two were convicted of a lesser offence.

    Who then was this incredible, deeply spiritual man who remains largely unknown outside Brazil?

    Francisco Candido Xavier was born on April 2, 1910 in Pedro Leopoldo in the central state of Minas Gerais. His mother passed when he was only five and he saw her materialised form shortly after. By the time he started primary school aged eight, he was accustomed to hearing spirit voices, feeling their presence and doing what they s