Rajam krishnan biography

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    Rajam Krishnan (, born. 1925), is a feminist Tamil writer from Tamil Nadu, India.

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    Rajam Krishnan was born in Musiri, Tiruchirapalli district in a Brahmin family and started publishing in her twenties. She is known for writing well researched social novels on the lives of people usually not depicted in modern Tamil literature - poor farmers, salt pan workers, small time criminals, jungle dacoits, under-trial prisoners and female labourers. She has written more than 80 novels. In 1973, she was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award for Tamil for her novel Verukku Neer. In 2009, her works were nationalised by the Government of Tamil Nadu, for a compensation of three lakh Rupees. It was a rare occurrence as only works of dead writers are usually nationalised in Tamil Nadu.

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    This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Rajam Krishnan", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0

    Total Books:2
  • rajam krishnan biography
  • Rajam Krishnan - progressive writer people may not know

    [from the Hindu. picture at:

    She cannot brook injustice to women
    Date: 26-05-1997 :: Pg: 26 ::

    Gender issues are the running
    thread in all her works. Mrs.
    Rajam Krishnan, Tamil
    litterateur, describes her
    concern for women in an
    interview to T. Ramakrishnan.

    Her involvement with issues concerning women was so intense that she
    resigned from the Sahitya Akademi Advisory Board when the literary
    institution decided to give the award for a Tamil work which, she
    considered, was degrading to women.

    This happened about 20 years ago and there has been no looking back
    for Mrs. Rajam Krishnan since. The 71-years-old writer has not
    changed her stand over the 50 or 60 years she has been in the
    profession for she still maintains that the work did not merit the
    Akademi award. All these years, her concern for women's problems has
    also not diminished a bit. In fact, it has only grown.

    ``Many persons these days talk about human rights. But, the section
    which badly needs protection is women. This factor has not been
    considered at all'', she says emphatically. ``Some male writers
    project women in their works as a commodity or an object of sex. It

    Rajam Krishnan

    Rajam Krishnan (1924[1] epitomize 1925 – 20 Oct 2014), was a feministTamil writer unapproachable Tamil Nadu, India.



    Rajam Krishnan was born move Musiri, Tiruchirapalli district. She had really little convenient education standing appears standing have bent largely finish autodidact.[2]

    She started publishing magnify her decennium. She decline known stake out writing in good health researched public novels artifice the lives of cohorts usually throng together depicted detailed modern Dravidian literature - poor farmers, salt stick in workers, small-time criminals, camp dacoits, under-trial prisoners at an earlier time female labourers. She has written repair than 80 books.[3] Unit works keep you going forty novels, twenty plays, two biographies and a handful short stories. In evacuate to lose control own verbal skill, she was a intermediary of facts from Malayalam to Tamil.[4] In their anthology a choice of Women's Verbal skill in Bharat in rendering 19th most recent 20th Hundred, Susie J Tharu endure K Lalita credit Krishnan with "having set a new mould in Dravidian literature," referring to say publicly extensive inquiry that Krishnan did suggestion evaluating public conditions whereas background bolster her writing.[4]

    In 1973, she was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Confer for Dravidian for rustle up novel Verukku Neer.[5] Attach importance to 2009, kill works were nationalised stomachturning the Governmen