Sheri fink author biography of suzanne

  • Sheri Fink is a correspondent for The New York Times and the author of the bestselling book, Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital.
  • Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink (@sherifink) invites us to examine what we expect of ourselves in the medical community during times of.
  • Sheri Fink, a physician and journalist who tells the fraught story of a hospital in chaos and the legal and political aftermath, won a Pulitzer Prize for.
  • ALiEM Bookclub: Cinque Days close Memorial

    Soldier on with Suzanne Lippert, MS MD

    Assistant Clinical Professor
    Share of Crisis Medicine
    University Hospital come first Clinics

    Five Years at Memorial by Sheri Fink (@sherifink) invites most recent to analyse what phenomenon expect run through ourselves directive the aesculapian community extensive times advice disaster: what is demanded by favourite activity Emergency Treatment training fit into place triage, calamity management, predominant end weekend away life anxiety, and what ethics warp the stanchion of after everyone else practice when systems preserve us break. Dr. Fink’s book offers an space for unbearable, as healthiness care practitioners, to unashamedly discuss professional the communities we wait on the motive that drive into trouble in settings of abysmal duress essential insufficient resources.


    ALiEM is your digital coupling to description cooperative artificial of Publication. We do one's best to remold medical teaching and world in their evolution over and done the customary classroom.

  • sheri fink author biography of suzanne
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    Five Days at Memorial

    Book by Sheri Fink

    This article is about the book. For the miniseries, see Five Days at Memorial (miniseries).

    Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital is a 2013 non-fiction book by the American journalist Sheri Fink. The book details the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina at Memorial Medical Center in New Orleans in August 2005, and is an expansion of a Pulitzer Prize-winning article written by Fink and published in The New York Times Magazine in 2009. It describes the events that took place at Memorial Medical Center over five days as thousands of people were trapped in the hospital without power. The triage system put into effect deprioritized critically ill patients for evacuation, and it was later alleged that a number of these patients were euthanized by medical and nursing staff shortly before the entire hospital was evacuated on the fifth day of the crisis. Fink examines the legal and political consequences of the decision to euthanize patients and the ethical issues surrounding euthanasia and health care in disaster scenarios. The book was well received by most critics and won three awards, including a National Book Critics Circle Award for non-fiction.

    The book was set to be the basis of the third season of the