Dr roger leir biography

  • Roger Krevin Leir was an American podiatric surgeon and ufologist best known as an investigator of alleged alien implants.
  • Books by Roger Leir: Casebook: Alien Implants, More Series From Roger Leir: Whitley Streiber's Hidden Agendas.
  • Roger Leir was born on March 20, 1935 in San Francisco, California, USA. He was a writer and producer, known for Alien Implants: Evidence of UFO Abductions.
  • Roger Leir

    Roger K. Leir, D.P.M., (1934-2014)[2] was a podiatric[Note 1] surgeon, ufologist, and self-described "alien abductionresearcher" best known as an investigator of allegedly alien implants.

    Leir appeared frequently on television and talk radio programs devoted to ufology.[3][4] His work also plays a part in the targeted individual movement.[5] He had the great honour of being featured on the "alien abduction" episode of Penn & Teller: Bullshit! alongside other brilliant minds, such as David Icke.[1]


    Leir said he had removed about a dozen implants from people's bodies[Note 2] and claimed they were devices that "emit radio signals". Leir alleged that some of the implants had physically moved during surgery, as if to avoid removal.[Note 3] This despite the fact that — in a video he himself provided to skeptics of this exact phenomenon taking place — it quite instantly becomes obvious that Leir is the one responsible for the perceived movement, forcefully pushing around a mobile lump of subcutaneous fat with his thumb.[1] Leir said that laboratory testing of the implants "implied they were of extraterrestrial origin".[6][7] Sounds lik

    Roger Leir

    Roger K. Leir (n. 1934 - d. 14 martie2014) a fost get round pediatru earth și ufolog cel mai bine cunoscut pentru investigarea sa asupra implanturilor extraterestre. Leir a apărut în programe derision televiziune și de wireless dedicate ufologiei.[3][4]


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    Leir spune că a scos aproximativ o duzină de implanturi din corpurile oamenilor și pretinde că sunt dispozitive care "emit semnale radio." Leir susține că implanturile s-au mutat de course of action sine în timpul intervențiilor chirurgicale expressions și cum acestea change fi încercat să evite eliminarea. Leir spune că testarea în laborator a implanturilor a indicat că acestea sunt de origine extraterestră.[5][6][7]


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    Investigatorul scepticJoe Nickell spune că pretinsele implanturile par a fi obiecte obișnuite, cum ar fi cioburi payment sticlă sau fragmente phase metal warning au ajuns în brațe, mâini sau picioare clatter cauza unor accidente sau datorită mersului pe jos cu picioarele desculțe. Nickell spune că Derrel Sims, asociatul lui Leir, a refuzat să coopereze atunci când i s-a cerut să ofere unui institut medico-legal go into sau fotografii pentru analiză.[5]


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    • Leir, Roger ()

      Roger Leir

      American physician

      Roger Krevin Leir (March 20, 1935 – March 14, 2014) was an American podiatric surgeon and ufologist best known as an investigator of alleged alien implants. Leir wrote books such as The Aliens and the Scalpel, and appeared on various radio and television shows, including Coast to Coast AM, claiming he had discovered proof of "non-terrestrial experimentation on man".[1]



      Leir was born in the San Francisco Bay area in 1935. He moved to southern California at age 13. He described his childhood imagination as “wild and vivid”, often fantasizing that he was able to fly. He attended the University of Southern California and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Science in 1961. In 1964, he qualified as a podiatrist, and later became involved with the local chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).[2]

      At a MUFON conference in 1995, Leir examined X-rays from a woman who believed she was an abductee. He later extracted two small metallic foreign objects from her, and also from a second patient. The objects were analyzed by the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, which determined that they were "composed of commonly found elements", such as iron or aluminum. In describing some of these elements, the

    • dr roger leir biography